中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司,山东 青岛 266111
Published:10 July 2024,
Received:08 November 2023,
Revised:15 May 2024,
于一航, 陈大伟, 赵艳菊, 等. 悬挂式空轨列车噪声特性与噪声控制研究[J]. 机车电传动, 2024(4): 66-71.
YU Yihang, CHEN Dawei, ZHAO Yanju, et al. Research on noise characteristics and noise control of suspended monorail train[J]. Electric drive for locomotives,2024(4): 66-71.
于一航, 陈大伟, 赵艳菊, 等. 悬挂式空轨列车噪声特性与噪声控制研究[J]. 机车电传动, 2024(4): 66-71. DOI:10.13890/j.issn.1000-128X.2024.04.102.
YU Yihang, CHEN Dawei, ZHAO Yanju, et al. Research on noise characteristics and noise control of suspended monorail train[J]. Electric drive for locomotives,2024(4): 66-71. DOI:10.13890/j.issn.1000-128X.2024.04.102.
Compared with conventional rail transit vehicles
suspended monorail trains (sky trains) have great differences in vehicle structure
which contribute to their unique noise characteristics and underscore the value of researching this mode of transportation. In this study
the vibration noise characteristics of sky trains were explored
based on the source-path-receiver mode
and a low-noise scheme was designed to control vehicle noise indexes. Additionally
a simulation and prediction model for vehicle noise was established by utilizing the statistical energy approach (SEA). Furthermore
verification was conducted through noise path experiments
and the results showed a high degree of consistency with the simulations. Sky trains offer significant advantages over conventional rail transit vehicles in terms of noise control
highlighting their ability to better meet noise standards and ensure stable operation.
suspended monorail trainsource-path-receivernoise characteristics and controlsimulation and prediction for vehiclenoise experimental verification
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