中车株洲电力机车研究所有限公司,湖南 株洲 412001
Published:10 July 2024,
Received:25 February 2024,
Revised:01 July 2024,
刘海涛, 刘永江, 李华, 等. 轨道交通变流器共性技术研究综述[J]. 机车电传动, 2024(4): 1-16.
LIU Haitao, LIU Yongjiang, LI Hua, et al. Review on key generic technologies for railway converters[J]. Electric drive for locomotives,2024(4): 1-16.
刘海涛, 刘永江, 李华, 等. 轨道交通变流器共性技术研究综述[J]. 机车电传动, 2024(4): 1-16. DOI:10.13890/j.issn.1000-128X.2024.04.001.
LIU Haitao, LIU Yongjiang, LI Hua, et al. Review on key generic technologies for railway converters[J]. Electric drive for locomotives,2024(4): 1-16. DOI:10.13890/j.issn.1000-128X.2024.04.001.
With continuous advancements in technology
customer requirements for converters
particularly quality indicators
are steadily increasing
driving the evolution of converters towards lighter weight
lower noise
higher reliability
and improved aesthetics. This paper delves into the key generic technologies in the design of converters for rail traffic
covering critical areas such as the application of power devices
lightweight design
vibration and noise reduction
electromagnetic compatibility
thermal management
and industrial design. It provides an overview of the current development status of these technologies both domestically and internationally
summarizes the challenges and difficulties encountered in their further development
and discusses in detail the core role these technologies play in enhancing product market competitiveness based on practical application examples. The findings provide comprehensive references and technical guidance for designing converters that are lighter
more reliable
and more aesthetically pleasing.
convertergeneric technologyvibration and noiseelectromagnetic compatibilitythermal managementindustrial designlightweight
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