中车株洲电力机车研究所有限公司,湖南 株洲 412001
Published:10 May 2024,
Received:31 March 2022,
Revised:12 December 2023,
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路向阳, 徐富宏, 韩琛, 等. 基于通信网络的列车控制系统[J]. 机车电传动, 2024(3): 1-12.
LU Xiangyang, XU Fuhong, HAN Chen, et al. Communication network-based train control system[J]. Electric drive for locomotives,2024(3): 1-12.
路向阳, 徐富宏, 韩琛, 等. 基于通信网络的列车控制系统[J]. 机车电传动, 2024(3): 1-12. DOI:10.13890/j.issn.1000-128X.2024.03.001.
LU Xiangyang, XU Fuhong, HAN Chen, et al. Communication network-based train control system[J]. Electric drive for locomotives,2024(3): 1-12. DOI:10.13890/j.issn.1000-128X.2024.03.001.
The automatic configuration (inauguration) of train communication networks (TCN) is emphasized as a distinguishing feature of train control and management systems (TCMS). This process establishes the composition and sequence of nodes
identifies the master node
and determines node orientations relative to the master node within TCNs
laying a foundation for train control and management. In scenarios of TCMSs based on wireless communication
the absence of physical wire/cable connections between nodes in the wireless train backbone (WLTB) network renders automatic inauguration in traditional ways impractical. Consequently
manual setting of parameters remains the prevailing configuration practices in engineering applications. Furthermore
the automatic configuration is demanded in a dynamic manner for virtual coupling (VC) systems
where multiple trains are virtually coupled into platoons through WLTB. The configuration mode by manual parameter setting is not viable
since following trains run in an automatic operation mode. This paper analyzed the TCN and WLTB inauguration as well as VC platoon coupling/uncoupling
and delved into the nature and root causes of obstacles encountered in the initialization and dynamic configuration of train platoons based on wireless communication. The findings inspired the introduction of an expanded network system that merges TCMSs and signaling systems to provide an automatic configuration solution. This solution included automatic configuration methods
layered functions
and system architecture for communication network-based train control (CBTC) systems
focusing on automatic train operation aspects. Additionally
the paper also explored CBTC-related domains for potential future research endeavors.
train control and management system (TCMS)wireless train backbone (WLTB)inaugurationvirtual couplingcom-munication network-based train control (CBTC)
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